Project summary

Advanced imaging technologies provide researchers with new observation tools that allow to overcome the diffraction limit of light microscopy in the imaging of fine cellular structures. Plant cell shape is primarily dependent on the cell wall. Local changes in its plasticity are probably the key mechanism leading to the polar expansion of plant cells. The cytoskeleton is a dynamic protein structure involved in cell wall assembly control. The role of microtubules in cellulose synthesis is now established; the mechanism of actin cytoskeleton participation in cell wall assembly is less understood. This project aims to image and understand fast, actin-dependent processes in the plant cortical cytoplasm, which are related to the cell wall assembly. Actin dynamics, endocytic and exocytic machinery and cell wall synthesizing complexes will be observed using TIRF/VAEM, spinning disc and advanced confocal microscopy to understand their spatiotemporal relationship. These results will be compared to mutant with cell wall defects, which will enable us to identify the mechanism of actin participation in cell wall synthesis. To increase the resolution, electron microscopy of plant cortical cytoplasm will be applied to confirm our light microscopy observations.

Five relevant publications of the research group

Vosolsobě S, Schwarzerová K, Petrášek J (2018) Determination of Plasma Membrane Partitioning for Peripherally-associated Proteins. J Vis Exp.136. doi: 10.3791/57837.

Sahi VP, Cifrová P, García González, Baby IK, Mouillé G, Müller K, Baluška F, Soukup A, Petrášek J, Schwarzerová K (2018) Arabidopsis thaliana plants lacking ARP2/3 complex show defects in cell wall assembly and auxin distribution. Annals of Botany, 122(5):777-789.

Schwarzerová K (2018) Plant Microtubule Research: A Short History. In: Concepts in Cell Biology - History and Evolution pp 95-102, Eds: Sahi VP, Baluška F, Springer International Publishing AG, ISBN: 978-3-319-69944-8

Vosolsobě S, Petrášek J, Schwarzerová K (2017) Evolutionary plasticity of plasma membrane interaction in DREPP family proteins. Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr. 1859(5):686-697

Krtková J, Benáková M, Schwarzerová K (2016) Multifunctional Microtubule-Associated Proteins in Plants. Front Plant Sci. 7:474

Havelková L, Nanda G, Martinek J, Bellinvia E, Sikorová L, Šlajcherová K, Seifertová D, Fischer L, Fišerová J, Petrášek J (2015) Arp2/3 complex subunit ARPC2 binds to microtubules. Plant Science 241: 96-108

Current research grants of the group

Simulations of electron-gas interactions for high-efficient detection of secondary electrons under dynamic in-situ experiments in ESEM. Czech Science Foundation. 19-03909S

Source of financial support of the project
(min. 5000 CZK per month)

Czech Science Foundation. 19-03909S

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